The Union Talks: “Kolonialisme og sorthed i dansk billedkunst”

Overgaden – Institut for Samtidskunst


Nina Cramer i samtale Emil Elg om deres ph.d.-forskning i kunsthistorie ved Københavns Universitet.

Moderator: kunsthistoriker Claudine Zia

Samtalen foregår på dansk og varer 1 time.

"The Union Talks" er en samtalerække af fagforeningen The Union, som bliver afholdt i løbet af efteråret/vinter 2021 på Overgaden. Med udgangspunkt i forskellige kunstformer belyser ‘The Union Talks’ racialiserede kunstneres og kulturarbejders praksis og arbejdsvilkår i en dansk kontekst.

Samtalerækken markerer startskuddet for The Unions virke som fagforening for racialiserede kunstnere og kulturarbejdere i Danmark!
Til alle events er det muligt at melde sig ind i The Union og høre mere om fagforeningen.

Samtlige events finder sted på Overgaden og kræver tilmelding, da der er et begrænset antal pladser. Skriv til for deltagelse.
Læs mere om tilmelding og program via

Alle events er gratis. "The Union Talks" er støttet af Statens Kunstfond.

Nina Cramer in conversation with Emil Elg about their PhD research in art history at the University of Copenhagen.

Moderator: art historian Claudine Zia

The conversation will be held in danish and takes 1 hour (there will be a possibility of english translation during the talk - please reach out to us when you arrive at the event).

"The Union Talks" is a conversation series by The Union, held at Overgaden during fall/winter 2021.

Based on various art forms, "The Union Talks" puts focus on the practices and working conditions of racialized artists and cultural workers based in a Denmark.

The series of conversations mark the start of The Union's work as a union and
at every event, it will be possible to become a member of The Union and hear about our work.

All events require registration, as there is a limited number of places. Write to for participation.

All events are for free and is supported by Statens Kunstfond.